Friday, August 21, 2009

One year stats

Colin had his 12 month check up today. He weighed in at 23 pounds 7 ounces and 31.5 inches long. Still long and skinny :) His ears were clear and free of fluid (YES!) however he woke up with a cold this morning so the doc said keep a close watch on him because with that cold his ears can look great today and awful tomorrow. (UGH!) So for right now no ENT specialist but if he gets one more in the next couple months then we'll be referred to an ear doc. He is wearing 12 month and 12-18 month clothes and still has small feet, he only wears a size 3-4 still. He waves sort of, he points at everything, he is very ticklish, he flirts like a champ and he babbles up a storm. We still don't say any decipherable words just yet but we think he's close to saying a couple of things like thank you, ba-ba (bottle) and da-da. I heard a mama once but I think it was a total fluke. He walks great while holding your hand and runs all over the place with a push and walk toy. He gives five, throws his arms up in the air when you say touchdown and loves peek-a-boo. He must have a hollow leg because he can eat a plate of food that rivals mine! He loves broccoli, salmon, chicken, ravioli, cheese, eggs, waffles, any kind of fruit and most sweets. His new favorite thing is to stop and point to all the people in the photos on the wall that are hung in the staircase. He loves to point to it and look at you and then you tell him who it is. We play this game just about every time we go up or down the stairs. I can't believe he's a year already and when I look back at pictures it's hard to believe he was ever that tiny. It is so amazing to watch him grow and develop from day to day, it all happens so so fast.

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