Sunday, September 13, 2009

And we're walking!

Colin has become very comfortable walking while holding one of our hands. The other day he and I walked all through the new BX mall while he held the tip of my finger(walking the mall would take all of 10 minutes without a toddler in tow, this trip we spent well over an hour to get in and get back out again). It's totally a comfort thing for him, he doesn't need it, but refuses to budge an inch if you let go. This morning Shelby had Colin in his room playing and he took a few steps when Shel let go. Then we sat on the floor a few feet apart and had him walking between the two of us. He was doing great and was so proud of himself. We gradually backed apart until we were on opposite sides of his bedroom and he would walk the whole length of the room. Yay Colin! Later, after his nap, we had him walking out in the back yard. He was a little crabby at this point and not as tolerant about the whole game. We caught him on camera doing a few steps though.

Colin also loves his playground that he got for his birthday. He goes down the slide on his own and face first. He gets frustrated sometimes because he hasn't quite figured out how to make himself slide. He lays down on the top of the slide and expects to go. If he doesnt slide right down then he gets flustered and sometimes gets scared and sometimes gets back up on the platform to play there instead. Either way he usually howls about it. Here are some videos of him playing on his playground.

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