Friday, September 18, 2009

Gotta say it...

I don't post too many personal opinions on my blog because 1. I dont think people really care about my opinions all that much and 2. I have an open blog that isn't private and I don't care to hear 5,000 other peoples' opinions about my opinions should I post them. However I am going to make an exception today and post not only my opinions...but my opinions and politics! Look out!

So we all heard about the Kanye West stunt on the VMA's. Apparently during set up for an interview with President Obama, in a casual conversation between the President and a crew member, Obama was asked if he and his daughters watched the awards. Obama said yes and then he was asked what he thought of Kanye's actions, to which Obama replied "he's a jackass". Someone overheard and tweeted about it on Twitter and within minutes the entire world is obsessed and voicing their support or protest about his comments.

Seriously? First of all Kanye IS a jackass, we all know it and think it so who gives a shit if the President says so. The real reason this drives me up the wall is that when the president wants to talk about serious issues like economy and health care half the country tunes it out and could care less. But let the man make a casual remark about a celebrity and America can't get enough. Most of my blog readers probably know I am NOT an Obama fan. I didn't vote for him and I'm still waiting for all that "change" to happen. So this post is in no way in support or defense of the President's comments. It is simply to voice my opinion of disgust with the American public for being such morons. Quit reading the tabloids and the entertainment news and start paying attention to things that matter. And if you can't break your obsession with mindless bullshit then please do us all a favor and 1. don't vote next time around and 2. don't complain when you are jobless, your house is foreclosed on and you don't have any health care. Maybe you should have been reading about politics instead.

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