Saturday, February 20, 2010

18 months

Today Colin is 18 months. It's hard to believe he's that old already! He's grown into quite the little man. Ever since he was a baby he's always had a very mellow and happy personality, I'm so thankful that hasn't changed. He's still a very happy boy most of the time. He's starting to show his momma's stubborness and a little temper here and there, mostly when he can't have his way. He's very independent these days, he wants to do it all and all by himself. He has a very outgoing personality and charms people everywhere he goes. Just today in the BX he ran up to a little boy and started babbling his Colin talk and the boy looked at him funny and walked away, Colin stood there looking confused and crushed, like it hurt his feelings. Luckily another kid caught his attention and he was off to make friends with that one, forgetting about the other boy.

Speaking of talking we have quite the little chatterbox on our hands. His vocabulary has really grown and he is getting very good at repeating and copying you. His says mama, daddy (which is more like dah-deeeeeeee), dog, cow, car, fish, baba, thank you, airplane, up, down, get down, no, nein (German for no), bitte (German for please), hi, bye, baby, poopoo, eeeewweeeee, P.U., this, and I know I'm forgetting at least a half dozen more.

We haven't done the 18 month check up for his height and weight stats but last time he was at the doctors about a month or two ago he weighed 27 pounds.

He is obsessed with cars. He loves to play blocks. He's fascinated with airplanes and can spot them from pretty far away (you know his daddy is proud). He loves staring at the fish in our tank. He loves to be outdoors, in the snow especially. He is also obsessed with talking on the phone. He will pick up just about anything and pretend it is a phone. When he gets his hands on a cell, real phone, or a toy phone he will walk around babbling up a storm on it. He will come hand it to me and squeal like mad when you talk on it and then hand it back to him. He loves to be chased and tickled and is equally as fond of pulling up our shirts and ticking out bellies. The best treat in the world is for us to put him on our bed and throw him around. He loves it when we throw him on the pillows and bounce him on our bed. He will fall backwards or forwards on to the bed and laugh hysterically as you try to grab him or tickle him while he pretends to get away. He loves to stand on his stool in front of the window and watch outside as people walk and drive by. He will wave and yell "hi" and "bye" to them as they go down the street. He gets super excited when someone sees him and waves back.

Time has defintely flown by. He loves to keep up laughing and on our toes.

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