Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Moving Madness

This moving thing is starting to see so real all of a sudden. We've been busting our butts getting stuff taken down, cleaned out, cleaned up, etc... We had a big yard sale and that was a success, pretty much everything but a few small boxes of stuff was sold, so that was great. After the yard sale it was time to really start getting the house in order, taking down pictures and curtains and getting all kinds of stuff washed. Last weekend I managed to get all the sheets, towels and blankets packed into space saver vacuum bags. That very night Colin wet the bed for the first time in ages. Of course I have packed up and sealed every sheet and blanket that was not currently on our beds. So at three AM I was rummaging through storage bags trying to find a sheet and a blanket for the poor kid to sleep on. Murphy's Law I guess. We bought all new living and dining room furniture for the house. It was all delivered last Saturday and sadly it's in the basement, all wrapped up in the original packaging and protective stuff so that there is less chance the movers will damage it. It's exciting to get all new furniture, it's no so exciting to have to wait 2-3 months to actually get to use it! Here is a link to the manufacturer's website and some pictures. We didn't get some of the exact pieces in the pictures, but you can get an idea from here. It is the Mexiko line from this company. I love it! Today I had to sell my car. I knew it was coming, but I'm sad to see it go. We've had it for almost 10 years! I bought it brand new and we've been all over and back in that car. It's been from Key West all the way to Maine and Canada on the east coast. From Jacksonville to San Diego on I-10, and to over half the states in the US. It's driven all over Europe (Germany, Italy, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, Lichtenstein, and few others I am sure I am forgetting) too. Good memories and a lot of fun times/trips in that car. We are shipping the beloved Jeep to the island and I will buy what is affectionately known as an "island bomb" when we get there. I'm not too thrilled about having to drive around a hoopty when I loved my truck, but considering the farthest I can possibly go in one trip is like 20 something miles (the island is that small!) what good does a luxury car do me anyway? We plan to live on base, so I plan to walk to most places anyway when the weather cooperates. This move has been so stressful. Other moves have been pretty smooth, but this one I'm working literally right up until we leave and trying to take as little time off as possibly. The military keeps throwing us curve balls but we are rolling with it best we can. Part of it I think is that this is the first time we've really moved with a child. Colin was a little baby when we moved over here, and he was a good sleeping, happy, piece of cake baby...so getting stuff done and ready with him was no big deal at all. The amount of crap that you acquire with one kid is just ridiculous. Just try to weed out and pack up said crap with the kid around unpacking as fast as you box it up. The neighbors have been wonderful, they take Colin a lot at the moment so we have time to pack in peace. We gave them our kick butt swing set as a thank you, they have a boy just older than Colin, one turning two in August, and she is due with baby boy number three in 7 weeks. I'm thinking that swing set will get some pretty good use between three little boys! I've been bad about blogging because I haven't had time to think. Work is typical end of the school year chaos at the moment (assessments, grades due, wild kids, parties, conferences, packing up the room, etc...) and then throw in trying to move all at the same time...ouch. This weekend we have to get the rest of the house organized because we move into the hotel on Sunday. Movers come next week, and we'll be on a plane on the 19th. Time is going by so fast, I'm definitely not ready to leave Germany!

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