Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Report Time

Colin's class was studying the ocean for several weeks. Each child in the class was given an ocean animal to study and write a report on. Colin was assigned the Octopus, which turned out to be a rather interesting. His favorite of all the octopus species he studied was the Blue Ringed Octopus. Just a couple inches long and beautifully marked, they are extremely venomous and deadly! You can read more about them here if you wish.

For the report the children had to compile information from books and the internet onto a template form. Then they had to write out a presentation speech from the information they found. They set up an interactive museum in their class room, where each child had a station with their presentation board on display. As students from other classes and parents came to each station, the child would read their report to inform visitors about their animal. It was very nicely done and the kids had a fantastic time.

Here is Colin at his station, ready to educate others about the amazing octopus!

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