Saturday, May 7, 2011

Colin met a little lamb

Colin met a little lamb

One of our neighbors has sheep and they all have babies right now. He offered to let me bring Colin by to see them and I knew Colin would love it. Today our friend Lina came over and we all went to see the sheep. Colin had a blast. There were many rabbit cages there from someone that keeps rabbits. There was also a kitten there that Colin was very fascinated with. The lambs were adorable, little black babies who all stuck pretty close by momma's side. Colin played with and petted the kitten and then the kitten realized he had a new friend and starting playing with Colin. Colin was a little scared of the kitten once he started bouncing around and jumping at him. He caught a claw here and there and then was skittish and would run anytime the kitten would charge him to play.

After the kittens he took to helping the owner of the rabbits care for them. He was petting them and helping water and feed them. Then he was carrying the hay around to put in their pens. The adult rabbits were huge, people think our rabbit is big...these are giants! There were lots of babies ranging in age, we saw some that were 4 weeks old and some that were just a couple of days old! The sheep were skittish until we found the food. Then they came running once we started shaking the food cup. The little lambs were so sweet and the big sheep made me laugh. When they would "baaaaaaaaa" they would open their mouths and stick out their tongue as the sound came out. Colin had a great time and it was a nice little way to get him out of the house without getting him all worn out and worked up. He's still spiking fevers when the meds wear off and feeling lousy off and on. He is eating much better today though, so I think the antibiotics and allergy meds are kicking in.

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