Monday, May 30, 2011

Dino Park Visit

Gartenschau Memorial Day

Today was HOT! 80+ degrees called for some kind of water fun. This afternoon the breeze picked up some and I decided to head to the Gartenschau for a little while. Colin was super excited as always. Today instead of checking out all the dinos he just wanted to go straight to the water area. Good thing, I did too! He played with the water pumps and drills for a long while. He gathered rocks and threw them all in the puddle, then fished them all out again and piled them up so he could throw them all back again. After that he moved over into the creek and wadded downstream some to where some kids where building a dam. It was nice to see kids of all ages working together so nicely. The big kids were patient with the little guys and the little ones were respectful of the goal and didn't try to wreck what was being built. Colin loved it because gathering up rocks is one of his very favorite things to do, he definitely found the right group to play with!

After the water he went to the playground for a bit, climbed some big rocks and then it was time to head home. I always bribe him to leave with ice cream, it works so well. He doesn't try to fight or run off and play and he willingly follows me right to the ice cream stand for his treat. He eats while we walk back through the park to the exit and on to the car. On the way out of the park he discovered a small dinosaur statue right near the exit. When it caught his eye he ran screaming towards it "MOMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ALADAR!" If you've ever seen the old Disney movie Dinosaur you know Allodar is the main character, this just happens to be one of Colin's favorite movies ever. The dino statue looks to be the same kind of dinosaur and looks a lot like him. Colin ran to him and gave him hugs and tried to climb on top of him before I fussed at him to get down. He said "Dinosaur for Colin Mommy, name Aladar" and then "please get for Colin Mommy, take it home." LOL I had to explain it wasn't for sale and we couldn't buy it, that he lived there in the park and we'd come visit him again. It was precious. It was a fun time, I can't wait for school to be out so we can spend more time there.

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