Sunday, May 29, 2011

Heat Wave

It's been warm and perfect here, high 60's low 70's and sunshine. Anything in the low to mid 70's feels pretty warm to me, but it's tolerable. Iraq on the other hand...
Shelby sent me the 5 day forecast for his base today, yikes!

Good thing he has air-conditioning. I haven't had to pull the bedroom A/C out of the attic yet here. I'm really hoping that day doesn't come. I hate it when the house is that hot, I'm not used to the noise of the machine running at night, the cold air hurts my throat when I sleep, and my husband is a sick freak who seems to take pleasure in pushing the machine to the lowest possible temperature setting and turning our room into an igloo. As much as we miss him, I could totally do with him spending an extra month in Iraq so that he would be home after the potential need for A/C in the bedroom has passed and I wouldn't have to fight that war and suffer for 2 months. Here's to hoping the weather stays pleasant all summer!

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