Friday, May 6, 2011

Whew! What a Week!

If heart attacks are caused by stress I should be due any day now. Last Thursday I seemed to be getting over my allergies. Then Friday afternoon, one minute I was fine and the next minute it was like someone had slapped my face with a sick stick. I got horribly congested and my sinuses ached. Sinus headache and runny nose too. I took Nyquil and went to bed but didn't sleep at all. I was in so much pain (let me remind you I slept through a tattoo on my wrist...I can do pain!) and the drainage on my stomach caused me to start throwing up. That continued most of the night and by morning I felt like death. I dropped Colin off with a friend to go to the ER and beg for some relief. A few hours later I had some heavy antibiotics and some phenergan to calm my stomach and I headed home to sleep. By Monday I was a little better, still felt sick, but not like death so that was a plus. All week long by about lunch time I was exhausted and wanted to nap in my office during my lunch break and planning time. Unfortunately, this week was so busy I had to run errands on my lunch break every day in order to keep up.

Wednesday afternoon Colin went to his very first dentist appointment. He did great and she said his teeth look good. I can't believe what a big boy he is now! She did tell me to only give him milk and juice with meals and water in between because his teeth are very close together. Since they don't start doing x-rays until about 5 years old we could miss a cavity in between the teeth since they are close together. Colin will not be pleased with this new change.

Thursday morning I took a half day to attend a passport expo in an attempt to get myself and Colin a tourist passport before our cruise this summer. We have the free no-fee passports the military provides us since we live abroad, and they work to get us around for the most part. However, technically they are only to be used to go between the US and Germany and there is a small possibility the boat could give us a hard time about taking a vacation cruise on the no fee passports. Doubtful, but this is my luck we are talking about here... So we were up bright and early to be there so we could get in and get out and I could get back to work. The morning started off rocky with some trouble getting money orders. Bank branches closed, not a member of other banks, leaving me no way to get a money order before 10am when I need one at 9. However, after that things went off without a hitch and we got it taken care of. With that done I was actually able to work at work and stay late to get some lesson plans written for next week. Relief!

Friday however...ugh. Colin felt warm to me Thursday night and complained of his tummy hurting. Friday morning I woke up to him screaming "mommy something in Colin nose!" and totally freaking out. Turns out he had a GIANT wad of thick, green, sticky snot hanging from his nostrils that he didn't know what it was. I cleaned up his nose and he was burning up. He told me his sinuses hurt when I touched them. Fantastic. So I started calling the appointment line on my drive to work, right at 7 when they supposedly opened. I called for over 40 minutes during my drive to the sitter, dropping him off, driving to base and until I eventually just arrived AT the damn peds clinic on base. I was livid. This is NOT the first time they have not answered their phones on time, such BS. I went in and they informed me the line was not working properly...really? Because the "we are currently closed" recording from the night before seems oddly suspicious. At any rate, what do you know no appointments on base so I get referred off base to my favorite German guy, Dr, Schmidt.

I rush back to the sitter to get Colin to make it to the appointment in time. (You know had I just waited to take him to the sitter the doc couldn't have seen me until 3pm or something. Because he was already there and I had to go get him...earliest possibly appointment of the morning!) Turns out my little man is pretty sick :( Sinus/upper respiratory infection, bronchitis and allergies. Doctor recommends we test his allergies to see what is triggering them, we know it's pollen of some sort, he's had them bad for a month since the pollen hit hard, just like his mama. I haul him back over to the sitter because he's not contagious and because everyone needed the day off today and there are NO subs left to work at school. My classes have been doubling up with the other host nation teacher all morning to allow me to go to the doctor and come in late. 40 kids in one room...sorry Barbara! I made it through about an hour at work before the sitter was calling me to come get Colin because now he's throwing up. Great. I don't think he's really throw up sick, my guess is maybe Motrin on an empty stomach this morning and then snot draining didn't make a good combination. Christa claims he threw up three times there and then she gave him some Vomex she had and he has not thrown up again since. He does seem to feel pretty lousy and his fever has spiked back up when the Motrin wears off. Hopefully he gets better this weekend so I am not missing anymore work next week. I hope we can both just rest and relax this weekend. After this week we need it!

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